How to Plan your Research Paper on Social Sciences

This article will teach you how you can organize your social and behavioral college-level research paper. We are going to describe the steps you need to take when investigating a research problem. We will also give you the rationale for applying different techniques and procedures to analyze, process, select and identify different information. You will then use this information to expound the problem and allow the reader to evaluate the paper’s reliability and validity creatively. You will be using to choose the best helper on your way to writing a perfect research paper. You will use the methodology section the provide answers to the main question. It will define the methods you used in collecting the data and how you analyzed it. Ensure that you write the methodology in the past tense.

Significance of methodology

  • Your methodology should have enough detail that any other person can replicate or adapt your methodology.
  • The methodology needs to state the anticipated problems during the research and what measures to mitigate them.
  • Your methodology should have enough data from a large pool of samples to satisfy the threshold needed to answer the research question.
  • The methodology should demonstrate how you collected the data and show that the collection procedure is consistent with the industry standards.
  • From the many research methods, identify your choice and justify your choice. 
  • Use the methodology section to show how you collected and how you analyzed and interpreted the data.

The Structure and a writing style to adopt

  1. Research methods

Social science has two main research groups. They include the interpretative groups and the empirical-analytical groups. 

The interpretative group of methods focuses on getting to demystify a phenomenon holistically and comprehensively. The analytical disclosing of the by what, how, and why people do what they do. It allows you to understand the link between the phenomenon under investigation and human beings.

The empirical-analytical groups direct their focus on variables operational definitions, research questions, and objective knowledge. It uses deductive reasoning to formulate a hypothesis for testing using existing theory.

  1. The Content

On introducing the methodology, ensure you state the underlying assumptions and the problem statement underpinning your research. Then you state the method you used when collecting your data, your analysis procedure, and how you generally processed the information. Also, give the reasons you settled for whichever method of data collection and how it will help you solve your problem. Then proceed the outline the following:

  • The research strategies and tools you used to research the problem statement and the underlying hypothesis. 
  • Outline the data processing procedures used to do data analysis.
  • State the methods and tools you used to identify the relevant variables.
  • Discuss the decision that led to the selection of analyzed data.

An effective methodology ought to:

  • Describe potential limitations
  • Justify selection
  • Justify the sampling procedure and subject selection
  • Provide the rationale and background of the methodologies used
  • Explain how you will be analyzing your results
  • Outline the data collection methods
  • Justify why the approach you chose speaks to the overall research design
  1. Problems to resist

Avoid irrelevant information. Your methodology should be detailed, but each point must be addressing a specific concept of idea within the research topic. Stay away from information that does not directly offer any solution or insight to the reader. We assume that the reader is competent enough to understand some of the procedures. To avoid explaining some procedures that are basic and self-explanatory.

Furthermore, the indices and bibliography are available t give further explanations to new and unfamiliar terms. So, save time and space for essential points and information that directly contribute to solving the research problem. Ensure that you state all the problems that you encounter during your data collection. Documenting the problems faced and how you solved them is an excellent way to make your methodology exciting. It will also help justify why you settled for specific procedures and actions while collecting and analyzing your data. On top of stating and describing your research methods, you also need to provide a list of your sources.

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